South Sudanese students sit on a school bus in Juba, South Sudan

View over Juba, South Sudan

South Sudanese villagers gather around an unexploded bomb in Juba, South Sudan

Tiger Battalion soldiers from the South Sudan People's Defence Force (SSPDF) in Juba, South Sudan

A military chaplain prays at a military hospital in Juba, South Sudan

A man rolls out a red carpet at Juba International Airport in Juba, South Sudan

The wives and relatives of soldiers sing hymns in a church in Yei, South Sudan

A marching band performs at a barracks near Juba, South Sudan

Children partake in a Shilluk traditional ceremony in Maban, South Sudan

Villagers and refugees fish together in a stream that has formed following flooding in Maban, South Sudan

A man sits in a tractor in a flooded MSF hospital in Pibor, South Sudan

A man drives a boat through the flooded streets of Pibor, South Sudan

A woman is seen to by doctors at Juba Teaching Hospital in Juba, South Sudan

A Sudan People's Liberation Army In Opposition (SPLA-IO) soldier near Nimule, South Sudan

South Sudan People's Defence Force soliders (SSPDF) near Nimule, South Sudan

A girl washes vegetables in a pond in Aweil, South Sudan

Military food supplies are stored in a barge in Juba, South Sudan

Airport workers load a lorry at Juba International Airport in Juba, South Sudan

Egyptian Airforce pilots walk along the wing of an aircraft at Juba International Airport, South Sudan

Soliders and civilians in a military helicopter on the way to Pibor, South Sudan

Refugees in Maban, South Sudan

Villagers gather under a tree near Yei, South Sudan

A man searches for unexploded ordinance on the road between Nimule and Juba, South Sudan

United Nations Mine Action Service workers take a break from searching for unexploded ordinance on the road between Nimule and Juba, South Sudan

A woman winnows ground nuts in Juba, South Sudan

South Sudanese Boys Scouts in Yei, South Sudan

South Sudanese Boys Scouts in Yei, South Sudan

Boys sit together on an old truck in Juba, South Sudan

Wrestlers in Juba, South Sudan

Tiger Battalion soldiers from the South Sudan People's Defence Force (SSPDF) in Juba, South Sudan

South Sudan People's Defence Force (SSPDF) soldiers celebrate at a barracks near Juba, South Sudan

A Shilluk church congregation in Malakal, South Sudan

Women wash their produce in a pond in Aweil, South Sudan

Boys hold up ebola prevention posters in Yei, South Sudan

A woman at a sexual awareness workshop in Juba, South Sudan

Children living in an unofficial refugee camp in Juba, South Sudan

A pharmacy in Juba, South Sudan

Clinic in Juba, South Sudan

A boy watches fishermen fish in Maban, South Sudan

A boy steps over the remains of a destroyed home in a refugee camp in Maban, South Sudan

Villagers collect aid items in Maban, South Sudan

A view over the flooded areas near Pibor, South Sudan

South Sudanese students sit on a school bus in Juba, South Sudan
View over Juba, South Sudan
South Sudanese villagers gather around an unexploded bomb in Juba, South Sudan
Tiger Battalion soldiers from the South Sudan People's Defence Force (SSPDF) in Juba, South Sudan
A military chaplain prays at a military hospital in Juba, South Sudan
A man rolls out a red carpet at Juba International Airport in Juba, South Sudan
The wives and relatives of soldiers sing hymns in a church in Yei, South Sudan
A marching band performs at a barracks near Juba, South Sudan
Children partake in a Shilluk traditional ceremony in Maban, South Sudan
Villagers and refugees fish together in a stream that has formed following flooding in Maban, South Sudan
A man sits in a tractor in a flooded MSF hospital in Pibor, South Sudan
A man drives a boat through the flooded streets of Pibor, South Sudan
A woman is seen to by doctors at Juba Teaching Hospital in Juba, South Sudan
A Sudan People's Liberation Army In Opposition (SPLA-IO) soldier near Nimule, South Sudan
South Sudan People's Defence Force soliders (SSPDF) near Nimule, South Sudan
A girl washes vegetables in a pond in Aweil, South Sudan
Military food supplies are stored in a barge in Juba, South Sudan
Airport workers load a lorry at Juba International Airport in Juba, South Sudan
Egyptian Airforce pilots walk along the wing of an aircraft at Juba International Airport, South Sudan
Soliders and civilians in a military helicopter on the way to Pibor, South Sudan
Refugees in Maban, South Sudan
Villagers gather under a tree near Yei, South Sudan
A man searches for unexploded ordinance on the road between Nimule and Juba, South Sudan
United Nations Mine Action Service workers take a break from searching for unexploded ordinance on the road between Nimule and Juba, South Sudan
A woman winnows ground nuts in Juba, South Sudan
South Sudanese Boys Scouts in Yei, South Sudan
South Sudanese Boys Scouts in Yei, South Sudan
Boys sit together on an old truck in Juba, South Sudan
Wrestlers in Juba, South Sudan
Tiger Battalion soldiers from the South Sudan People's Defence Force (SSPDF) in Juba, South Sudan
South Sudan People's Defence Force (SSPDF) soldiers celebrate at a barracks near Juba, South Sudan
A Shilluk church congregation in Malakal, South Sudan
Women wash their produce in a pond in Aweil, South Sudan
Boys hold up ebola prevention posters in Yei, South Sudan
A woman at a sexual awareness workshop in Juba, South Sudan
Children living in an unofficial refugee camp in Juba, South Sudan
A pharmacy in Juba, South Sudan
Clinic in Juba, South Sudan
A boy watches fishermen fish in Maban, South Sudan
A boy steps over the remains of a destroyed home in a refugee camp in Maban, South Sudan
Villagers collect aid items in Maban, South Sudan
A view over the flooded areas near Pibor, South Sudan
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